Friday, February 15, 2013

15th Annual Entertainment Law Initiative Luncheon

A few of our board members attended a conference in LA last week sponsored by the GRAMMY Foundation. Read below to see how it went!

Dear Fellow Students:

On Friday, February 8, 2013, three members of the UC Davis Entertainment & Sports Law Society (Luca Ognibene (1L), Danielle Skornik (2L), and Brian Tauber (3L)) had the unique opportunity to attend the 15th Annual Entertainment Law Initiative (ELI) Luncheon at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Beverly Hills, California. Presented by the GRAMMY Foundation and co- sponsored by the ABA Forum on the Entertainment and Sports Industries, various entertainment law firms, record labels, and music companies, the conference—which took place just two days before, and just across town from, the GRAMMYs—sought to facilitate discussion about the most compelling legal issues facing the music industry today. In addition, the conference presented a great opportunity to network with music law professionals and other law students from across the country and around the world (literally—two of the people at our table had come all the way from Australia). In attendance at the Luncheon were Recording Academy and GRAMMY Foundation President Neil Portnow (who, two nights later alongside Ryan Seacrest and Justin Timberlake at the GRAMMYs, announced the new GRAMMY Foundation Music Educator Award), and entertainers Pharrell, MC Hammer, and In addition, NBC News’ Tom Brokaw, angel investor Ron Conway, and interactive content consultant Andie Simon led an interesting keynote panel discussion. 

The discussion focused on ways in which technological advances are changing the entertainment industry and, more generally, our culture. The Luncheon also recognized the winners of this year’s national legal writing contest. The contest winners were law students who had submitted essays regarding important issues facing the music industry. After attending the ELI Luncheon, we hope that King Hall will have some student participation in the ELI national legal writing contest in the future. This contest is a great way for students not only to learn about important legal issues facing the music industry, but also to have a shot at winning a scholarship and a trip to the GRAMMYs while networking with some of the most knowledgeable individuals in the profession. Finally, we wish to thank King Hall and LSA for helping make our attendance at the ELI Luncheon possible.


Luca Ognibene
Danielle Skornik
Brian Tauber

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